I am finally posting photos of my Properity Doll which I have been creating through an online class with multimedia artist, Chaska Peacock. Be sure to check out her blog to see other dolls created in this class. Click on Prosperity Doll Class in the left hand column.
The doll is a self-portrait of my intent for personal prosperity and abundance for this New Year 2009. I selected green because it is my favorite color. Green also symbolizes for me my goal for positive personal growth. Green means durability, reliability, luxurious, optimism, well-being, nature, calm, relaxation, Spring, safety, honesty, harmony and freshness.
The head/face of my doll is a mirror which I embellished with fabric trim, beads and yarn. One of Chaska's class examples used a mirror for the head/face. She said when she looked at her doll she saw her reflection. I thought this was really cool. Chaska said we could borrow her idea.
I wrapped the body of my doll with the plastic of a lime green bath fluff. She didn't have enough padding so I went to the drug store and found the bathing sponge and cut it apart. The underskirt is made of green fabric with a soft all over pattern. I measured and cut the strips of the skirt. Then I wrote my goals/affirmations for this year on the strips with black India Ink markers. The goals I wrote on the skirt are the following: happiness in my life; wellness-lose weight, exercise, eat healthy; creativity-making my own art on a regular basis; develop friendships; teach adult art classes; and take art classes.
The blouse is made by wrapping, draping and tacking multi-colored 2" silk ribbon. Besides constructing the body form, I think making the blouse was the most difficult part for me. I then wrapped the underskirt around twice. The overskirt was made using a strip of cotton fabric painted with lumiere paint the same color that I painted the body. It has the same fabric trim as the face along the top and bottom edges. Handspun yarn was glued to the back of the waistband. The yarn overskirt was then wrapped and glued over the fabric skirt.
I still have embellishments I want to add to further decorate my Prosperity Doll. I also plan to make a stand for her. I will post these photos when she is totally finished.